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Get your recipe on the path to retail success!
Innovate. Strategize. Develop. Commercialize.

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Kitchen to Retail Foods is a business service for food enthusiasts, food start-ups or food entrepreneurs who need help to charter their favorite recipe into a commercially viable retail product.  


Feeding the world with food worth loving is what drives us!


We accomplish this by supporting development and commercialization of shelf stable foods fit for the global retail market or unique gourmet markets.


 We are anchored in sharing valuable  and credible knowledge while helping others deliver amazing foods that people love.

  • Strategy & Organization

  • Product Development 

  • Ingredient Scouring

  • ​Project Management

  • Production Scale up​

  • ​Co-Man Search

  • Food labels Coming Soon!

  • ​Sensory test support

  • ​Food analytical test support

  • ​Experts panel for in-person consultations

  • Packaging and shelf life support.

mommy and me

Get your recipe on the path to retail success !
Innovate. Strategize. Develop. Commercialize.

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